The February OGDA meeting is this Saturday at 6 at Camp Coworking. This month should be pretty special, too!
KillSmile Studios will be giving us the first look at their recent work on Blockmonster. If you recall, the original version of Blockmonster was created at the Games++ game jam in Lincoln. Suffice to say, things are a lot different than what they could do in 12 hours.
Also, Vince from XII Games is finally (I don’t think he will object to me using that word) nearing completion of his game, Resonance. More importantly for the rest of us, he would like to have OGDA members do some play testing at the meeting! This will be an exciting opportunity for us to see some near-finished work by one of our members. Additionally, it gives Vince some extra eyeballs on his game to help him polish up any rough areas. Please bring a Windows laptop if you have one available.