This is the video post-mortem of the original version of Blockmonster created by Ryan Versaw, Bryce Kahle and Andrew Dakin. It was created in under 12 hours at the Games++ game jam in November of 2011. The post-mortem was presented at the November meeting 2 weeks later.
Take a moment to play this version of Facepong.
I thought it was rad how they picked up three.js in 12 hours and had a playable game. Definitely going to start messing with 3d in canvas over the holiday break.
Ooohh three.js, WebGL, and a physics library. You guys should write up a blog post / put the code on GitHub.
Considering that most of their time was spent trying to get the accelerometers on the tablet to work, putting something together in 12 hours is pretty slick. And that they hadn’t ever written anything for those techs before.
We used GitHub while developing it: