Our next meeting will be August 11th at Do Space. Make sure to bring your WIP’s.
More importantly, please support one of our own local game developers, Jeff Brooks. Jeff is the founder of JB Gaming Inc and has already released a mobile game called Udder Panic. His most recent game is Grave Danger, which is currently on Kick Starter!
Grave Danger, a 2D side-scrolling platformer that will be available on PC, Mac, Linux, Xbox One, PS4, and Wii U, is now live on Kickstarter. Grave Danger is an inspired love letter to gamers that promises to bring quirky team-based puzzles similar to greats like the Lost Vikings to computers and consoles. Grave Danger’s Kickstarter allows players to invest in the game by preordering their PC or console copy, and get limited edition backer-reserved merchandise. – JB Gaming Inc
Now of the time of this posting, the Grave Danger Kick Starter has 20 days left and is far from reaching its goal. So on behalf of the OGDA I would like to ask everyone to become a backer for Grave Danger! Any and all support would be greatly appreciated!
Grave Danger Kick Starter!