Introducing the Omaha Game Club!

I received an email from Danny Rerucha, a recent computer science graduate from UNO and occasional OGDA attendee. He wanted to let us know about the recently started Omaha Game Club. In his own words:

Essentially, the club will choose a new digital game every week for its members to play, and then they will write about their experiences on a shared blog.

The blog can be found here.  And a lot of information about how I think the club will operate can be found on the “Posting Guidelines” page of that blog.

I feel as though a great way to learn about game design is through the detailed analyses of games other people have made.  So, any aspiring game designers/developers in the Omaha area could benefit from participating in the club.  Also, playing games at the same time as others who share your passion for games, and engaging in conversations with them about those games is just plain fun.

Again, I am hoping you could post about The Omaha Game Club on the OGDA site to help spread the word.  If people are looking for more information, or if they want to join, they can send me an email at reruchad @ [a very common email domain hosted by Google].

I thought it was a great idea, as I’m sure many of you do! Let’s see if we can help get this jump-started!

About Dave Mark

President & Lead Designer Intrinsic Algorithm LLC Game Development and AI Consulting
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